We hope that you enjoy the 26th BAMO, which takes place TOMORROW (March 5)!

And don’t forget to come to the awards ceremony at Santa Clara University on Sunday, March 16 from 230–430PM, featuring a cool math talk by Steve Trettel of the University of San Francisco. Here is the title and description. Steve Trettel is renowned for his ability to visualize math and share amazing images.

Why you can’t tie your shoes in the 4th dimension. The fourth dimension is a weird and wonderful place—just barely beyond the reach of our visualization skills, yet irresistible to the mathematical imagination. In this talk, we’ll take a creative approach to exploring the fourth dimension by first stepping into the shoes of a two-dimensional mathematician. What blind spots would they have when trying to grasp our three-dimensional world? By turning that perspective on ourselves, we’ll uncover some strange consequences of living in four dimensions—like the fact that no matter how hard you try, you can’t tie a knot in a piece of string. Any knot you make will simply unravel! Even more surprising? While shoelaces always come undone, in four dimensions, you can tie a basketball into a knot.